Able To Change Recovery is an Orange County alcohol rehab and drug treatment center specializing in substance abuse, alcoholism, dual-diagnosis and addiction recovery. We believe that one of the most vital functions of our alcohol rehab and drug rehab program is the care planning; it is the individual’s road map to recovery.
Able to Change Recovery is a CARF- Accredited in-network, Orange County alcohol rehab and drug treatment center specializing in substance abuse, alcoholism, dual-diagnosis and addiction recovery. Our program includes Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient phases. Partial and Intensive Outpatient treatment is usually an alternative to inpatient or residential therapy. A typical treatment episode will include some or all levels of care and can range from anywhere from 30 days to 6 months. In addition we offer highly structured supportive living for clients that need a safe place to stay for their duration in treatment. At Able to Change Recovery, clients are also able to have the use of their cellphone, electronic devices and vehicle with no blackout period.
Outpatient addiction treatment is a less restrictive level of clinical care, one that allows for more flexibility and personal freedom than a traditional inpatient program. At Able to Change, our outpatient addiction treatment program meets between 6 and 3 days a week for between 36 and 9 hours altogether. Our professionally developed program provides clients with a wide range of proven therapeutic modalities and additional recovery-related services. We treat men and women of all ages and walks of life who have either completed a higher level of clinical care and are looking for additional support, or who have chosen outpatient treatment as a standalone option for one of several reasons.
a. Inability to consistently Abstain;
b. Impairment in Behavioral control;
c. Craving; or increased “hunger” for drugs or rewarding experiences;
d. Diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships; and
e. A dysfunctional Emotional response.